2023年5月15日 星期一

詐騙郵件攻擊:有一個富豪過世,遺產是否跟您有關聯? ( LAST & FINAL WARNING NOTICE !! )




以下是郵件的原始內文與 Google 翻譯結果。


Dear xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xxx,

This letter is a final warning notice regarding the death of my 

Late client Edward,wife and only daughter while on holiday at 

Louisiana USA. According to the laws of England and Wales, 

section 46 of the Adminstration of Estates Act of 1925 (with 

subsequent amendments). My late client's bank has issued me a 

final written notice to provide his next-of-kin or have his funds 

declared UNCLAIMED and sent into government treasury.

I have been in charge of managing his properties here in London 

for a long time. There were some of his properties put out for 

sale before his death,for which payment has since been made. The 

proceeds of the sale is deposited into his local account here. I 

found your name in some of his documents and that is why I traced 

your email through an advanced search.

I am contacting you because you bear the same last-name with my 

late client.I want to know if you are in anyway related to my 

late client.


Bar.Peter Mantle


親愛的 xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xxx,

這封信是關於我已故客戶愛德華、妻子和獨生女在美國路易斯安那州度假期間去世的最後警告通知。 根據英格蘭和威爾士法律,1925 年《遺產管理法》(及其後的修正案)第 46 條。 我已故客戶的銀行已向我發出最終書面通知,要求我提供他的近親或宣布他的資金無人認領並將其送入政府財政部。

很長一段時間以來,我一直負責管理他在倫敦的房產。 在他去世前,他的一些財產被出售,已經支付了款項。 出售所得款項存入他在此處的本地帳戶。 我在他的一些文件中找到了你的名字,這就是我通過高級搜索追踪你的電子郵件的原因。





