2023年4月1日 星期六




1. 寄件者是否與聲稱信箱已滿的服務組織相同或有關連?

2. 檢查內文中所有的連結是否與上述組織有關連?

3. 不點擊任何郵件內的連結,打開瀏覽器手動登入自己的 webmail,確認是否有郵件內聲稱的問題。




99% 100%


Your xxxxxxxx.com mailbox has now significantly exceeded the limit assigned to you. Emails sent to you when your mailbox is in this state are not delivered and each sender should receive a notification of that fact.

Please take action to ensure that your mailbox is brought back under the limit.

What should you do?

Please login to your webmail via storage link to xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.com 's portal here.


Once logged in you will either need to delete any emails that you no longer need or archive emails that you wish to retain and then delete the originals.

Do you need more information?

We have some helpful information on the intranet regarding email settings.

Follow this link: https;//xxxxxxxx.com


xxxxxxxx.com Support Department

This message is generated automatically by the server when you exceed the assigned capacity of your mailbox. Please follow the instructions in the email to resolve this issue or contact your xxxxxxxx.com network administrator.


