2023年4月6日 星期四




以下是郵件的原始內文與 Google 翻譯結果。


Hello Friend, Greetings, My name is Staff Sergeant Williams Ronald Lance US ARMY 82nd Airborne Division, airborne infantry division of the United States Army specializing in joint forcible operations. Based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the 82nd Airborne Division is the primary fighting arm of the XVIII Airborne Corps. I deployed from Afghanistan to Syria on 28th June 2021. Assist me receive two trunks containing money, all I need is your trust 100% I will send the boxes to you for safe keeping Through Delivery company till my coming back home and I will give you 40% of the money. As soon as I receive your response I will explain the source of the Money. I wait your reply as to proceed immediately, God bless you and America. Best Regards, Staff Sergeant Williams Ronald Lance. United States Soldier Presently in Syria.


朋友你好,你好,我是美國陸軍第 82 空降師 Williams Ronald Lance 上士,美國陸軍專門從事聯合武力作戰的空降步兵師。 第 82 空降師位於北卡羅來納州布拉格堡,是第十八空降軍的主要戰鬥部隊。 我於 2021 年 6 月 28 日從阿富汗部署到敘利亞。幫我收到兩個裝有錢的箱子,我需要的是你 100% 的信任我會通過快遞公司將箱子寄給你妥善保管,直到我回家,我會給你 40%的錢。 收到您的回復後,我會盡快說明這筆錢的來源。 我等待您的答复,以便立即進行,上帝保佑您和美國。 最好的問候,威廉姆斯上士羅納德蘭斯。 目前在敘利亞的美國士兵。


